Mattress Drilling Machine is the absolute market leader in terms of mattress drilling machines. With ample experience in this field, Boers Techniek has come to be a reliable supplier and maintenance service provider of high quality mattress drilling machines. Boers Techniek in Elst works closely with its partners. Our machines are delivered across the world and we maintain them. Regardless of where these machines are located, the amount of contact makes it seem as though we are always there.
Efficient mattress drilling
When it comes to foam drilling, mattress drilling machines are known for their speed and efficiency. We ensure a minimum loss of residues. Foam drilling with our machines means meticulous milling with a high quality finish.
Custom solutions in mattress drilling machines knows exactly what custom solutions are needed for the mattress drilling sector. Our advisors select the best solution for each type of foam and they are more than happy to provide you with a clear and solid advice on the right solution. Many factors need to be considered, such as the hardness of the object to be drilled. We will be delighted to tell you more about it. You can see the working principle of our foam milling machine on our website and our YouTube channel.
Advantages of our mattress drilling machines
- Clear custom advice about your mattress drilling machine for specific applications
- Custom development advanced mattress drilling machine
- More than 20 years of experience in the mattress drilling sector
- Concrete examples of successful and operational mattress drilling machines we have built
Contact us
Are you looking for the best specialist in mattress drilling machines and are you curious about the possibilities Boers Techniek has to offer you? Than contact our support office or visit our website for more information. (The Netherlands) +31 (0)481 351708